The registered trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of filing and can be renewed for another 10 years at the end of its validity.
The request for renewal can be filed within 6 months prior to the date of expiry.
The grace period is 6 months from the date of expiry, and the owner(s) must pay the additional fee of 10% of the renewal fee for each month late. If no renewal is filed before the end of the grace period, the registration will be canceled or deemed expired.
Required documents for renewal request:
1. Full name, address, and nationality of the owner(s).
2. Power of Attorney (POA) signed by the owner(s) (notarization/legalization is not required).
The soft copy of the POA is acceptable at the filing date. The deadline for submitting the original is 1 month from the filing date, non-extendable.
3. Information on Trademark Certificate(s) number.
4. Original Trademark Certificate(s) (if the owner wants to record the renewal thereon).